Got a question about the Catholic Faith, or need assistance on your journey? Consider joining our Online Community, or feel free to contact us for support. The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, “reverts,” those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!
The latest from CHNetwork
This week’s episode of The Journey Home was a powerful story from Seth Haines about addiction, suffering and perseverance on the road to the Catholic Church.
In a featured article, Lorelei Savaryn, a former Evangelical Protestant, shared 10 tips for those entering the Church this year at the Easter Vigil.
We shared a Deep in Christ episode from the archives, in which JonMarc Grodi, Ken Hensley, and Matt Swaim reflect on experiencing Holy Week as Catholic converts.
And on a new Insights video, Mother Petra, a former Wesleyan, shared how she has come to understand and love Catholic devotional traditions related to Holy Saturday.
The Pillar reported on how adult baptisms have been “booming” in France and Belgium.
Christendom College announced that its new president is Dr. George Harne, a former Journey Home guest who is a convert from an Anglican and Pentecostal background.
Aleteia shared the story of how St. Francis of Assisi led a former Muslim to Christ.
Zubair Simonson reflected on how he viewed Ramadan fasting as a Muslim, and how he views Lenten fasting now as a Catholic.
Catholic News Agency published a handy explainer of the liturgies of the Triduum.
And Dave Armstrong explained why popes are called “popes.”
A member nervous about their non-Catholic family attending their Confirmation at the Easter Vigil, all the sponsors who’ve walked with these members along their journeys, and all our members who are celebrating their anniversary of entering the Church this weekend — these are just a few of the people we are praying for and working with at The Coming Home Network. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting chnetwork.org/donate today!
“For I am fully resolved in all things touching my faith, which I ground upon Jesus Christ, and by Him I steadfastly believe to be saved…and by God’s assistance I mean to live and die in the same faith.”
St. Margaret Clitherow
Feast Day: March 25th