Coming Home Network International
May 2024
Join us as we travel through Catholic England visiting sites related to England’s Saints, Martyrs, and Converts.
In the Spring of 2024, Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson, Kenny Burchard, and Ken Hensley will be leading a group on pilgrimage to Catholic England.
The phrase, “A Catholic Pilgrimage to England” may not seem intuitive to many life-long Catholics, but to converts to the Catholic Church, it just makes sense. Join us as we travel together for a “Deep in History” pilgrimage to learn more about England’s Saints, Martyrs, and Converts to the Catholic faith. We will visit Kent, where St. Augustine of Canterbury first brought the Catholic faith to England. Learn more about the English Martyrs such as St. Thomas More, who was beheaded for refusing to accept King Henry VIII as the head of the Church of England. Visit Oxford Univerity where St. John Henry Newman discovered that the Early Church is the Catholic Church, and, who famously exclaimed that “to be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant.” Learn about the lives of converts like G.K. Chesterton, and life-long faithful witnesses to the Catholic faith like J.R.R. Tolkien. We will visit and worship together in the oldest Catholic Churches in London, Oxford, Swindon, Bath, the Cotswalds, Kent, Canterbury, Cambridge, and Walsingham. It will be a wonderful time for us to share our stories, and to forge life-long friendships as we grow deeper in our Catholic faith, learning more about those who have gone before us.

Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson, P.A.

Kenny Burchard