2009 Conference- Pillar and Bulwark of Truth Archives - The Coming Home Network https://chnetwork.org/category/deep-in-history-2/pillar-and-bulwark-of-truth-2009-conference/ A network of inquirers, converts, and reverts to the Catholic Church, as well as life-long Catholics, all on a journey of continual conversion to Jesus Christ. Thu, 02 Aug 2018 18:34:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 The Jewish Roots of the Papacy – Dr. Brant Pitre https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/jewish_roots_papacy_brant_pitre/ https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/jewish_roots_papacy_brant_pitre/#respond Thu, 05 Jul 2018 18:02:43 +0000 https://chnetwork.org/?post_type=deep-in-history&p=49194 Find Dr. Pitre’s books, talks, and more at brantpitre.com. More information also available through Catholic Productions. In a talk from The Coming Home Network’s 2009 Deep in History conference, Scripture scholar

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Find Dr. Pitre’s books, talks, and more at brantpitre.com. More information also available through Catholic Productions.

In a talk from The Coming Home Network’s 2009 Deep in History conference, Scripture scholar Dr. Brant Pitre looks at the history of Jewish Temple worship, and how the language used by Jesus in establishing Peter as the head of the Church in Matthew 16 draws from those traditions. Dr. Pitre looks at what the power to bind and loose looked like in the Davidic monarchy, what Jesus meant by calling Peter a “rock,” the meaning of the “keys to the kingdom,” and a lot more.

For more of Dr. Pitre’s research on this question, we recommend his book Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper.

Study Questions:

-How is it that the first Christians — who were all Jews — so quickly accepted the authority of Peter over Christ’s Church?

-Why did the first Christians see Peter as a priest (why is the pope a priestly figure)?

-What are the four main bodies of literature that the Jews held? How does this illuminate Catholic Tradition and practices?

-Which Jewish tradition that Dr. Pitre described was most interesting to you? Why?

-Which book does Dr. Pitre suggest the audience read?

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The Issue of Authority in Early Christianity – Dr. Kenneth Howell https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/issue-authority-early-christianity-dr-kenneth-howell/ https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/issue-authority-early-christianity-dr-kenneth-howell/#respond Wed, 21 Mar 2018 15:09:32 +0000 https://chnetwork.org/?post_type=deep-in-history&p=48780 In this talk from The Coming Home Network’s 2009 Deep in History conference, Dr. Kenneth Howell looks at the question of authority in the early Church. Before the Bible was

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In this talk from The Coming Home Network’s 2009 Deep in History conference, Dr. Kenneth Howell looks at the question of authority in the early Church. Before the Bible was officially compiled, how did Christians understand the nature of truth, and how to prioritize beliefs and practices? What kind of authority did the apostles have – were they merely pastoral guides, or did what they said and did have the weight of law in the early Church? Did they pass on their authority to their successors? Dr. Howell addresses the question at the heart of all efforts toward Christian unity: who or what has the authority to teach and preserve the Christian faith?

Click here to purchase this talk as an mp3, CD, or DVD.

Click here to purchase the full set of available talks from the 2009 Deep in History Conference.

Study Questions:

-Why is the issue of authority inevitable? 

-What does it mean that the apostles had a “derived authority”? Why does that matter, according to Dr. Howell? (see Matt 7:28-29; Matt 28:19-20; John 20:19-23)

-By the end of the first century, the Church was much bigger than what is recorded in the book of Acts. Does this surprise you? What can we learn from the Council of Jerusalem?

-How did the authority of the apostles express itself in their ministries when there was no completed New Testament? What kind of authority did the apostles have — was it one of guidance and suggestions, or did the authority of the apostles act as divine law for the Church? 

-Was the authority of the apostles shared with others or was it uniquely possessed by them? Was their authority passed on to others or did it cease when they died off? What does Clement say?

-Was the Bible the only means through which apostolic authority was transmitted, according to Dr. Howell? 

-How did authority arise within the early Christian Church?

-What counsel does Paul give Timothy and Titus in his letters?


Apostle: A term meaning one who is sent as Jesus was sent by the Father, and as he sent his chosen disciples to preach the Gospel to the whole world. He called the Twelve to become his Apostles, chosen witnesses of his Resurrection and the foundation on which the Church is built.  The apostolic office is permanent in the Church, in order to ensure that the divine mission entrusted to the Apostles by Jesus will continue to the end of time. The bishops receive their office as successors of the Apostles through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. (Catechism of the Catholic Church Glossary)

Apostolic Succession: The handing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the Apostles to their successors the bishops through the laying on of hands, as a permanent office in the Church. (CCC Glossary)

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Top 10 Reasons to Study Church History – Dr. Paul Thigpen https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/top-10-reasons-study-church-history-dr-paul-thigpen/ https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/top-10-reasons-study-church-history-dr-paul-thigpen/#comments Thu, 15 Mar 2018 13:59:36 +0000 https://chnetwork.org/?post_type=deep-in-history&p=48758 Here’s a fun one to watch and share! In a clip from his 2009 talk on Spiritual Authority at The Coming Home Network’s Deep in History Conference, Dr. Paul Thigpen

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Here’s a fun one to watch and share! In a clip from his 2009 talk on Spiritual Authority at The Coming Home Network’s Deep in History Conference, Dr. Paul Thigpen gives a tongue-in-cheek list of ten reasons why everyone should study Church history. It’s almost certainly not what you expect! You’re invited to add to the list of reasons in the comments below….

Click here to purchase Dr. Thigpen’s full talk, “Spiritual Authority – Who Needs It?” as an mp3, CD, or DVD.

Click here to purchase the full set of available talks from the 2009 Deep in History Conference.

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Spiritual Authority – Who Needs It? – Paul Thigpen https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/spiritual-authority-needs-paul-thigpen/ https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/spiritual-authority-needs-paul-thigpen/#respond Wed, 07 Mar 2018 16:38:30 +0000 https://chnetwork.org/?post_type=deep-in-history&p=48716 In a talk from our 2009 Deep in History conference, Paul Thigpen, a former Pentecostal pastor, looks into the question of Christian authority.  If the Holy Spirit can speak to

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In a talk from our 2009 Deep in History conference, Paul Thigpen, a former Pentecostal pastor, looks into the question of Christian authority.  If the Holy Spirit can speak to individual believers, then why have a pope?  At the same time, if it’s the same Holy Spirit speaking to all Christians, why aren’t they all on the same theological page?   Paul looks at the how reason, experience and authority play into the human concept of truth, and why all three are necessary for a true understanding of how Jesus intended his Church to operate.

Click here to purchase Dr. Thigpen’s full talk as an mp3, CD, or DVD.

Click here to purchase the full set of available talks from the 2009 Deep in History Conference.

Study Questions:

-How are personal experience and reasoning limited as sources of knowledge?

-What are the problems with authority as a source of knowledge? How does St. Augustine address the issue of authority?

-Why is authority necessary, according to Dr. Thigpen?


Manichean –An adherent of the dualistic religious system of Manes, a combination of Gnostic Christianity, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and various other elements, with a basic doctrine of a conflict between light and dark, matter being regarded as dark and evil. 

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Understanding the ‘Our Father’ – Dr. Scott Hahn https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/understanding-father-dr-scott-hahn/ https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/understanding-father-dr-scott-hahn/#respond Wed, 28 Feb 2018 16:13:37 +0000 https://chnetwork.org/?post_type=deep-in-history&p=48667 In this lecture from our 2009 Deep in History conference, Dr. Scott Hahn examines the seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, and takes a look at why this prayer is

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In this lecture from our 2009 Deep in History conference, Dr. Scott Hahn examines the seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, and takes a look at why this prayer is placed in the liturgy of the Mass after the consecration, and before the distribution of Holy Communion.  He looks at the context in which Jesus teaches the prayer during the Sermon on the Mount, the significance of referring to God as “Father,” and more.  Dr. Hahn argues that the ‘Our Father’ is a prayer that we pray much, but ponder little; and argues that a better understanding of these words, which come directly from the lips of Jesus, can lead us to a deeper appreciation for our relationship with God.

Click here to purchase this talk as an mp3, CD, or DVD.

Click here to purchase the full set of available talks from the 2009 Deep in History Conference.

Study Questions:

-Why is the Our Father the perfect prayer? What does “order” have to do with its perfection?

-What insight(s) does Dr. Hahn give you into fatherhood, especially in regards to the heavenly

-What is the significance of the laws of God’s kingdom, according to Dr. Hahn? Did his
explanation of God’s laws have an impact on you? If so, how?

-How does lack of trust in God effect our lives and our souls?

-The Our Father is probably the best known prayer in the world. Were there any surprising points,
which Dr. Hahn made, that made you re-think this prayer?

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The Verse I Never Saw – Marcus Grodi https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/verse-never-saw-marcus-grodi/ https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/verse-never-saw-marcus-grodi/#comments Wed, 14 Feb 2018 16:26:08 +0000 https://chnetwork.org/?post_type=deep-in-history&p=48582 In this talk from our 2009 Deep in History Conference, Coming Home Network founder and president Marcus Grodi looks at the question of Christian authority. Who has the right to

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In this talk from our 2009 Deep in History Conference, Coming Home Network founder and president Marcus Grodi looks at the question of Christian authority. Who has the right to teach and interpret Scripture? Who gets to say what the Bible really means, especially in regard to its more challenging passages? Marcus looks at the question of Christian authority in light of I Timothy 3:14-15, where St. Paul refers to the Church as the “pillar and bulwark of the truth,” and asks the hard question that every Christian must ask: How do I know if my take on Scripture is the right one?

Click here to purchase this talk as an mp3, CD, or DVD.

Click here to purchase the full set of available talks from the 2009 Deep in History Conference.

Study Questions:

-How did Grodi’s understanding of “church” change over the years? 

-According to Grodi, what are the flaws in Calvin’s idea of “the Church”?

-What problem did Grodi see in the Westminster Confession?

-What is “the Church” according to the Bible?

-Did the five ways authority has been defined historically surprise you? Why?

Scripture References:

I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these instructions to you so that, if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth.” (1 Timothy 3:14-15)

“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses.  If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:15-20)

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Church Authority and the Holy Trinity – Msgr Frank Lane https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/church-authority-holy-trinity-msgr-frank-lane-deep-scripture/ https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/church-authority-holy-trinity-msgr-frank-lane-deep-scripture/#respond Sun, 22 May 2016 11:08:23 +0000 https://chnetwork.org/?post_type=deep-in-history&p=39539 In this Deep in History lecture from 2009, Msgr. Frank Lane discusses the mystery of the Trinity, and why the authority of the Church is necessary for preserving our understanding

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In this Deep in History lecture from 2009, Msgr. Frank Lane discusses the mystery of the Trinity, and why the authority of the Church is necessary for preserving our understanding of it.  Along the way, he explains how a culture of radical individualism is ultimately a rejection of the Trinity.

Click Here to purchase this talk as an mp3, CD, or DVD.

Click Here to purchase the full set of available talks from the 2009 Deep in History Conference.

Study Guide:

-We are created in the image and likeness of God. After listening to Msgr. Lane’s talk, how do we, as human persons, image the Holy Trinity?

-What do relationships have to do with the fullness of our humanity?

-Msgr. Lane talks at length about the occasion of the needs of the individual oppressing the community. What are your reactions to his thoughts?

-What are our rights as members of the Church (the Body of Christ) in disagreeing with legitimate authority? Where do those rights end? What are your reactions to these thoughts?

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Peter, the Rock, the Keys, and the Chair – Steve Ray https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/peter-rock-keys-chair-steve-ray-deep-history/ https://chnetwork.org/deep-in-history/peter-rock-keys-chair-steve-ray-deep-history/#respond Tue, 29 Jul 2014 21:11:57 +0000 https://chnetwork.org/?p=11606 Biblical scholar and Holy Land pilgrimage leader Steve Ray delves into the Jewish roots of the papacy, namely “the keys”, “the rock”, and “the chair”. Ray, a former Baptist, draws from his trips to the Holy Land to bring to life the commissioning of Peter as the first pope using vivid historical and contextual highlights.

The post Peter, the Rock, the Keys, and the Chair – Steve Ray appeared first on The Coming Home Network.

Biblical scholar and Holy Land pilgrimage leader Steve Ray delves into the Jewish roots of the papacy, namely “the keys”, “the rock”, and “the chair”. Ray, a former Baptist, draws from his trips to the Holy Land to bring to life the commissioning of Peter as the first pope using vivid historical and contextual highlights. 

Click Here to purchase this talk as an mp3, CD, or DVD.

Click Here to purchase the full set of available talks from the 2009 Deep in History Conference.

Study Questions:

-What’s the best way to study the Bible, according to Ray?

-What is the “Fifth Gospel”? Do you agree?

-How does the description of Caesarea Philippi help you better understand Matthew 16:13-20?

-What is the importance of the renaming of Peter? Were there things Ray pointed out that you had never considered before? 

-What are the keys, according to Scripture? (see Isaiah 22:22) How does Old Testament dynastic succession correspond with Apostolic Succession? Why does it matter what Peter and the Apostles thought as Jews when they heard Jesus speak of “the keys of the Kingdom”?

-Have you ever considered to what the “Chair of Moses” in Matthew 23:2 was referring? How did Ray clarify the Jewish understanding of the Chair of Moses? How does this help you understand the Catholic “Chair of Peter”?

-Have you ever felt the pressure of “being your own pope,” as Steve Ray describes? 

-How does the Holy Spirit speak infallibly through sinful men?


Mishna and Talmud: The Mishna is the name for the sixty-three tractates in which Rabbi Judah set down the Oral Law, in which Jewish law is systematically codified. The Talmud is a compilation of discussions and commentaries on the Mishna’s laws made by rabbis.

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