Thanks to all of you for your patience over the past day or so, as we’ve been overhauling our website from top-to-bottom, streamlining navigation and creating a more user-friendly experience for people who visit us with questions about the Catholic Church and their personal faith journeys.
Here are some of the features we hope you’ll take a few minutes to explore on the new site:
Navigation. Our homepage and top navigation bar are organized in a way that will hopefully help guide journeyers along through the most common questions that pop up along the way. People want to hear the stories of others- but they also need answers, a sense of connectedness with fellow journeyers, and spiritual support along the way. We’ve also tried to put our support for clergy and other ministers front and center in the main navigation- so that those in leadership who risk a lot by becoming Catholic can have clear access to help for their journey.
Conversion Story Categories. We’ve arranged our 20 year archive of written and video testimonies for easier navigation on our Conversion Stories page. Now, whether you’re an Anglican or a Baptist, a Buddhist or an atheist, you can find stories about people with similar backgrounds all grouped together for easier browsing.
Newest Content Now Easier to Find. Just beneath the main image on our homepage, you’ll find our latest featured content arranged in an easy to read format, so that you can catch up on the newest original conversion stories, articles, and news items more conveniently. We’ve also made articles and videos easier to share, so please pass them along to anyone you think might be interested!
Community Forum. The first phase of our website overhaul was the update of our community forum a few weeks back- we’ve made upgrades so that the online community can function more like a social media platform and less like a simple message board, so that our members can engage with one another more easily in a number of different ways as they all seek Christ together.
Of course, there are a lot of other great features on the new site beyond what we’ve just mentioned- so take a few minutes and click around. We hope you like what you see, and that you make a point to visit chnetwork.org more regularly!