One of the great things about being Catholic is the liturgical calendar. The feast days, seasons, and celebrations that take place throughout the year continually remind us that we should be making our faith a part of our daily lives. On top of that, for those who are new to Catholicism, or returning after time away from the practice of the faith, there is an element of discovery related to feasts and seasons that helps the faith come to life in a special way. With that in mind, here’s this week’s community question:
What liturgical feast, season, or celebration has become your favorite as you’ve embraced the Catholic faith?
Here’s what some of our members and readers had to say:
I love the Easter Vigil. I love settling in to a contemplative night liturgy with lots of Scripture in it. I also love any time we get to sing the litany of the saints. I have to admit, when I get to the names of people I’ve spent my whole career with, sometimes my voice cracks a little. It’s like I know them, and when I realize they’re praying for me, it’s very humbling, and very moving.
Dr. Jim Papandrea, author of “Handed Down: The Catholic Faith of the Early Christians“
“For me, it certainly started out being the Easter Vigil- that’s when I was received into the Church, and, let’s face it, anything that starts with a bonfire, continues with a tour through salvation history, and concludes with the triumph of Christ over the forces of darkness is hard to top. I’ve come to appreciate others, though: Corpus Christi, All Saints, Ash Wednesday, any infant Baptism (it’s fun to see the interplay between planning and reacting that a priest has to navigate), the list goes on. And the best part is, the cycle repeats every year!”
Matt Swaim, Communications Coordinator, The Coming Home Network
“I love midnight mass at Christmas. For me it captures the magic I always felt was out there but somehow not accessible to me.”
Sarah Reinhard, snoringscholar.com
“Holy Week beginning with Palm Sunday, but especially the Triduum is my favorite liturgical celebration. But coming from a Baptist background, I was reluctant to participate in the veneration of the Cross on Good Friday – in fact it took me a couple of years before I could join in. I kept thinking, “this is not a very Baptist thing to do.” The Triduum is a beautiful liturgical experience, culminating in Easter Vigil. It draws you into the sacrifice, the suffering & death of Jesus and then the joy of the Resurrection which you share with the whole Church.”
Annilouse, via the CHNetwork blog
“I have a hard time answering the question because it all depends on the church and the priests. Some churches can make Easter Vigil a bore and others can make a simple morning mass glorious. But I do love Easter Vigil… and Holy Thursday… and Christ the King… and Christmas Eve… and Ash Wednesday.”
Ken Hensley, Pastoral Care and Resources Consultant, The Coming Home Network
“I attend the Latin Mass, so each Sunday is beyond beautiful!”
Robin, via Facebook
What about you? What’s your favorite liturgy or liturgical season, and why? Please share in the comments below!