Got a question about the Catholic Faith, or need assistance on your journey? Consider joining our Online Community, or feel free to contact us for support. The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, “reverts,” those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!
The latest from CHNetwork
This week’s episode of The Journey Home was a powerful conversation with Courtney Comstock about her journey from Pentecostalism to Catholicism.
On a new episode of Deep in Christ, JonMarc Grodi explained why prayer is not a form of magic.
In the latest Insights video, Dan Venezia made connections between Lenten devotional practices and baseball Spring Training.
And we featured the written testimony of Fr. Michael Rennier, who shared his journey from Pentecostal to Episcopalian to Catholic priest.
Fr. Michael Rennier also reflected on the conversion story of poet Gerard Manley Hopkins.
The Oxford Oratory shared how they’ve been experiencing an uptick in interest from people who want to enter the Catholic Church.
Catholic Answers hosted an extended open forum for non-Catholic callers hosted by Tim Staples.
And ChurchPOP shared the conversion story of the man who played Barabbas in The Passion of the Christ.
Tim Staples also looked at some of the common verses some Christians point to when they argue for the idea of the Rapture.
And Abel Camasca explained what happens to saints whose feast day falls on Leap Day.
A member who’s hoping to find a Catholic spouse, another member who’s praying their children will return to faith, and all our members who are preparing to be received into the Church at Easter this year — these are just a few of the people we are praying for and working with at The Coming Home Network. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting chnetwork.org/donate today!
“In the face of my darkness, You are light. In the face of my mortality, You are life.”
St. Gregory of Narek
Feast Day: Feb 27th